Rally sign on cardboard which reads to be silent is to be complicit

Letter: Do our MPs have the experience, background and integrity for the job?

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Peter Geach. Ed

When we watch Prime Minister’s Question Time on a Wednesday, the Opposition MPs in particular, with a belly full of food and drink at taxpayers expense ably led by the Prime Minister; I think we already know the answer to that question.  No sign of austerity or even moderation here; never has been.

The racket and barracking would challenge the noisiest pub at chucking out time.  The Prime Minister blusters and doesn’t answer questions.  The Speaker allows him to do that and ridicule the Parliamentary process.

No actual experience of how general population progress
Many Government MPs have benefitted from an exclusive education and upbringing in influential families that have been able to put their children into positions leading to well paid influential careers.  Many of the Cabinet are multi-millionaires. 

That doesn’t mean they are bad people, some are very bright.  But they have no actual experience of how the general population progress.

They have done very well for themselves and think anyone else can do the same through hard work and insight.  But we can’t all be window cleaners. Not enough ladders to go round for one thing.

Where will get the Engineers?
An effective Industry needs people to work together in teams; degree-level Engineers, Designers, Technicians and highly skilled Craftsman, with Managers who have come up through the ranks and know the business.

MPs spout about Green Energy and the high tech jobs it will provide.  But where will we get these Engineers.

After WWII, we had it made; our Aerospace Industry was world leading in some areas; we had to prioritise. 

Hard-won technology given to Europe
In the face of joining the EU, the UK gave much of its hard won technology to Europe under the guise of collaborative programmes.  Interestingly, Bristol Aircraft wanted to design a larger six-engine Concorde as it became known.  France wanted a smaller aircraft; hence the four-engine version. 

It had Olympus engines which were to be developed for the TSR2 Supersonic Bomber.  But on cancellation of that project by Labour; the cost of developing these engines had to be bourn by the Concorde project; hence the huge cost over run.  Politicians again not thinking things through and making half-informed decisions.

A recipe for disaster?
Labour and Conservative Governments starved our World-leading Nuclear Industry of work, with no new Nuclear Power Stations.  We now have to rely on France and China.  Our Nuclear Industry will surely slowly rebuild over Johnson’s pledge to build a Nuclear Power Station a year.  But where are the experienced Engineers to come from to oversee these immense projects? 

Building in ignorance without being overseen by professional and experienced personnel is the recipe for disaster.  And any Prime Minister who is so ignorant of the consequences shouldn’t be in government.

Ignorance was not the only driver
Both of the main parties must take responsibility for the sorry dilemma they have put this country in.  They threw everything away. 

I don’t think ignorance was the only driver.

When considering most MPs background, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.  A good many are unemployable. The Palace of Westminster could be aptly described as the Drones Club.  See PG Wodehouse novels.

So what do we get from our MPs that is so extraordinary as to warrant £205k per annum expenses for Bob?  I would say not very much.  These colossal expenses compare with an average Island wage of about £20k.

IW has consistently had inadequate funding
It is part of unwritten Conservative folk law that if you don’t vote for a Conservative MP, a Tory Government is unlikely to provide adequate funding. 

Well we have consistently; and consistently we have had inadequate funding.  The levelling up fund for the Island was derisory.  And our Harrow-educated MP on £205k expenses couldn’t do better for us.

Time for change?
Surely time for change.  Another unwritten Conservative folk law is if it doesn’t work fix it.  Well they haven’t fixed Boris, so why should they worry about Bob. 

After all he’s bringing home the bacon; and whilst we continue to vote Tory we’ll keep getting  worked over.

NHS being quietly privatised
Although our NHS is receiving vast funding; much is being quietly privatised.  Diabetic Eye Screening when run by NHS used to visit Island Medical Centres; now it’s privatised the locations are greatly reduced;  now near a major town’s too far to walk for most who are usually elderly.  Considering the process requires eye drops that effect vision for a few hours you can’t drive.

Much of St Mary’s estate around the Diabetic Centre has been sold off.

Covid Testing has stopped.  And hey presto Covid cases have fallen; but magically Hospital Wards are again full.  Older patients in recovery are going into Care Homes!

How does the Government get away with it?
Need to see a Doctor; you need to do a pretty please with the telephone receptionist!  Soon they’ll be asking a number of questions which decide whether you do or don’t see the doctor.

And what of the House?  Politics there seems to concentrate on Personality; not the main issues like The Police Bill; NHS Bill and Social Services Bill; where if you lose your job you have to find a new one; any job at min wage; up to 30 miles from your home, in I think, two weeks otherwise benefits will stop.

Completely out of touch
Don’t see Bob standing up for Islanders pointing out the 30 mile radius for his constituents means a Solent crossing, the fare costing about two hours at min wage.

But then at £205k expenses, he’s completely out of touch; does he care; answer on a postage stamp please.

Image: ehimetalor akhere unuabona under CC BY 2.0