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Letter: Second home owners are not your enemy – here’s why

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Paul Carter, Niton and North West England. His letter was submitted prior to last night’s motion at Full Council. Ed

I saw the publicity given to the IW Council decision to support raising council tax for second homes, subject to an enabling Act of Parliament.

While I understand the perception of Islanders towards second home owners can I give some perspective?

Spend 5-6 weeks on IW at a time
We live in the north-west and on the Island. When we come here we spend 5-6 weeks at a time. We participate in, and indeed help to run, a number of voluntary organisations.

We spend money here, not just on groceries, but with trades people who help us maintain our home. So we do contribute to the local economy.

Family connections
My wife was born in Ventnor, although has spent much of her life elsewhere. She has three sisters and their families, who have on occasion spent time at our north-west home.

Do not use many of the council services
We pay our bills here. We do not use many of the council services ( for example, libraries) but without demur pay towards those who do.

When we are not on the Island, our home is often used by visitors who undoubtedly spend a lot on eating out, visits to attractions and so on.

Will probably either move out or convert to a holiday let
If council tax is doubled we will probably either move out or convert our home into a holiday let.

Neither of which is what we would prefer to do.

There is a law of unintended consequences and this action may be subject to it. We are not your enemies.

Image: nick page Image: miguel teirlinck under CC BY 2.0