Letter To The Editor: No One Is Perfect

Last week we ran the report of the public meeting held at Lanesend Primary School where the proposal for the relocation of services from Thompson House and Clatterford Tuition Centre was discussed. The meeting heard from those opposing the plans.

VB reader Kay Spiers has been in touch with her view on the proposals and objections of parents of pupils at Lanesned Primary. In her own words. Ed

Pen to paper:The council want to combine Thompson House and Clatterford Tuition Centre and many of the resources and relocate to much better premises.

The premises being Lanesend Primary school site, once Lanesend Primary have relocated to the old Somerton Middle School site.

There have been meetings taking place to discuss this with residents and parents (especially considering that there is and will be an existing Pre-school on the Lanesend site…albeit in a completely separate building).

Have read the proposals
I haven’t attended any of the meetings, but I have read the proposal and subsequent ‘fors’ and ‘againsts’ (mainly against) in much detail.

It would seem that parents of young children attending the Pre-shool are outraged over the safety of their children, because the school children who will be attending the Lanesend site have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. I have been told they will be sharing the ‘same entrance’ (they actually mean the driveway into the main site, NOT like sharing a doorway to a building!)

I think to myself … well, these young Pre-school children are NOT going to be walking themselves to school. They will be with responsible adults … their parents! I don’t understand what they think is likely to happen.

The proposal
Here is the proposal in print …

To establish a separate provision for children and young people with statements for behaviour, social, emotional difficulties. The provision will operate under the same management as the tuition centres and alternative provision. It is planned to accommodate a maximum of 25 children and young people, who do not have significant learning difficulties.

To relocate the Education Welfare Service, the Behaviour Support Team and the Mental Health Support Team to the same site. This will allow specialist support for this group of vulnerable children and young people and their families, whilst retaining the ability to operate in support of mainstream schools across the Island.
The site being proposed for this provision is Love Lane, Cowes, PO31 7ET.

These children are not demons
I am sorry that if being on the side of the council is wrong in anyone’s eyes, but all I see is the council and respective parties trying to give children (possibly just like my own in the future, and once many years ago, just like me) fair, understanding and supportive chance at a decent education.

The children that attend Thompson House and Clatterford are not demons.

They have issues, so what!

Not on my doorstep
Everyone seems to want these services but no-one wants them on their doorstep. All I’ve heard is snide comments, nasty remarks and pure hatred towards these kids.

Raped, abused, bullied, raised in unhealthy households, raised in care, seen something horrendously traumatic, nasty accident, hereditary disability … the list is endless as to why these kids may need help.

I pray for them
Although I am not a godly person, I pray, sincerely that their child/ren never need this help.

I pray they don’t get raped and become emotional, social wrecks that can’t attend mainstream school.

I pray that they never have a nasty accident that renders them incapable of thinking and acting as they once would have while being unable to get along in mainstream education.

I pray that they never develop an anxious or social disorder.

No one is perfect
My kids have behavioural statements. I am agoraphobic, I am socio-phobic, I have EDs, I have neurological problems. No one is perfect. Those kids aren’t perfect, but they deserve the chance to be the best they can be in life!

I understand that a few children from Lanesend have had referrals to Thomson House and were re-integrated back into the school, again, as much more confident and successful pupils. I live opposite Lanesend’s Drive and will not detest a child from needing or receiving help.

Just to be clear, my son is statemented and has used the services from education welfare, behaviour support team and mental health team.

I think it’s important that people understand that mental health issues doesn’t mean that a child is a psychopath.

Image: Orin Zebest under CC BY 2.0