Polling station:

List of IW town & parish 2013 election candidates

Let’s not forget that the 2nd May isn’t just about voting in the Isle of Wight County councillor of your choice, it’s also about the local town and parish councillor elections as well.

Below is the council’s official list of those who have registered with them to stand for election.

Full details below
There’s lots of information in there, so to find out who is looking to represent you at the town or parish level, scroll through to find out.

Some areas are relatively heavily contested, like Brading Town Council and Arreton, both which have eleven prospective candidates, while others like the Brook and Mottistone Wards of Brighstone Parish Council – both have only a single candidate in each. OnTheWight spoke to Avice Mariner, the Clerk of the parish, who told us those numbers aren’t unusual.

Party affiliation mostly left off
One thing we noticed is that there are very few political party affiliation next to the names of the candidates. It’s unclear if this is the norm.

List of people nominated for IWC Town & Parish council election 2013

Image: martinbamford under a CC BY 2.0 license

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