Macnaughton-Howe Arts & Craft Festival 2007

Last year saw the 50th year of the Macnaughton-Howe Arts and Craft Festival Association Festival, so that’d make this year the 51st event.

It was very interesting to see the efforts of everyone who entered (even our town mayor had several entries), so why not put your thinking cap and creative gloves on, because it’s that time of year again.

Macnaughton-HoweThe festival is held every year at the Ventnor Winter Gardens and although it started with traditional crafts such as sewing and knitting, it’s stayed with the times and now even has a class in the art of digital enhancement of all things!

It doesn’t stop there with a huge variety of other classes to enter, including tapestries, watercolour paintings, poetry, handicrafts, calligraphy, photography, embroidery and the list goes on.

So, how to enter: The only restriction is that you have to live within a five mile radius from Ventnor’s Salisbury Gardens.

Schedules and entry forms can be found in Seasons, Rainbows, Ventnor Library, the Model Shop, St. Lawrence and Bonchurch Post Offices and in the Heritage Centre.

If you have any queries that can’t be answered on the forms, contact Brenda on 853843

In the words of Greenboy last year …

Macnaughton and Howe were two great benefactors, who started and supported this festival for the people of the district, and the Association continues their work in the hope that every one will wish to display their talent. This is not for the professionals – this is the people’s festival.