New IW Cabinet Announced UPDATED

New Island leader, David Pugh, has announced his new cabinet.

They are …

(Now with added links for your enjoyment)

There’s two new faces Councillor Diana Tuson JP and Councillor Alan Wells.

New IW Cabinet Announced
Back row, from left to right Councillor Barry Abraham, Councillor George Brown, Councillor Alan Wells, Councillor Tim Hunter-Henderson. Front row, from left to right, Councillor Diana Tuson JP, Council Leader Councillor David Pugh, Councillor Dawn Cousins.

There’s been a reduction in posts from ten to seven, which, we are told, will see a full year savings of around £40,000. One of those to go is Cabinet Secretary, which has been shifted outside the cabinet and the role renamed to Cabinet Secretary for Town and Parish Councils, with Councillor Jilly Wood taking this role.

The appointments were made under a delegated decision by Councillor David Pugh.