millicents favourite

Watch Paul Knight’s latest short film follows Isle of Wight folk band, Millicent’s Favourite

If you enjoyed the last few short films published by Islander, Paul Knights, which followed Ruth (who is blind) being taught how to spin, Isle of Wight artists, James Bemis and Jo Bemis, then you should enjoy his latest.

For this short film, Paul follows Simon Gardner, Andy Noctor, Linda Gardner and Robin Whitehead, aka the Isle of Wight folk band, Millicent’s Favourite.

We love this five-minute film, shot on the south coast of the Isle of Wight. Their beautiful folk music is perfectly accompanied by the stunning landscape.

Millicent’s Favourite
You can see Millicent’s Favourite play live at Ventnor Arts Club on 20th March. See details on Events OnTheWight.

Their latest CD, Farewell to Vinland, is released on Falling Rock Records this month. Follow the band on Facebook to stay up to date with what they’re doing.

Turn your speakers on, sit back for five minutes and enjoy this delightful short film from Paul Knights.

If you enjoyed that, you might also like this second film from Paul set to Millicent’s Favourite’s “Farewell to Vinland” (Faraway Waltz).

Image: © Paul Knights