In case the UK takes part in a European Election on 23 May, the South East Green Party are selecting their candidates. Isle of Wight's Vix Lowthion is in the running for one of the ten places.
The Isle of Wight Green party last week received a letter from a resident calling them 'traitors' for wanting to stay in the EU. Their Chair shares his response.
After IW Green Party's vote count dropped by 1,577 votes, they share post-election words about First Past the Post, the Climate debate and the fact they received five times as votes in 2019 than the 3% level of support found across the UK
The Isle of Wight Green Party will be holding an Open Primary to select their candidate for the by-election in Central Wight after Bob Seely announced he would be stepping down.
Island Greens say this parish councillor and community volunteer will stand as their candidate for the Central Wight seat following Bob Seely's resignation.