Poster Thieves Won’t Sabotage New Festival

We were shocked to hear that after all the hard work of Isle of Arts Festival organisers to promote their forthcoming festival, some blaggards have pulled down all their posters and banners – twice! Organiser, Chris Bonney tells us more. Ed

The Isle of Arts Festival is just a little over a week away. It has been hugely encouraging that this not-for-profit venture has grown with the help of so many enthusiastic supporters. You would, however, be forgiven if you think the festival is not on because there are no posters advertising it around Ventnor.

We have twice gone round and pasted up large posters on every hoarding from St Lawrence to Bonchurch. Incredibly, somebody has gone around behind us and systematically removed each and every poster we have put up.

Positive benefit for town
Everyone who knows what we are doing recognise that this project will positively benefit all in Ventnor and beyond.

We have already begun programmes of incubating new Island talent and will be extending these programmes, as finances permit, in the future. So you have to wonder at the mind of those who have convinced themselves that their personal begrudgery, for whatever reason, trumps the needs of the communities of this Island.

Grateful for support
Nonetheless, we are hugely grateful to the many people who have backed this venture in a myriad of ways.

Anybody who still doesn’t know that something big is about to happen, do please have a look at the website at or pop into Seasons Newsagent on Ventnor High Street. And of course, keep your eye on the VB over the coming week for more news.

Help us stop the nay-sayers from winning. Let the wisdom of the crowd spread the word about this great festival. Be sure to tell your friends, family and fellow workers.

And we’ll see you all there.

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