Rachael Berry & Fred Campbell Host Open Studios At The Vicarage

As part of the second weekend of Open Studios events, Island artists Rachael Berry and Fred Campbell will be hosting an Exhibition of Works by more than ten exceptional young Island Artists and Craftspeople in Newport.

Rachael Berry & Fred Campbell Host Open Studios At The VicarageThis event won’t just be wandering around a studio looking at artwork, Rachael and Fred hope to provide stimulating entertainment and interesting activities for you to take part in.

Rachel told us “There are four painters including ourselves living and working here at The Vicarage and many more exceptional Artists and makers that use the studios here. It became obvious once we’d signed up to the 2010 Open Studios event that we could make our efforts here into something really special”

“We will be opening our home, studios and gardens for four days in July to exhibit works from more than Ten Island Artists and Craftspeople, principally from the Newport area.

Rachael Berry & Fred Campbell Host Open Studios At The Vicarage“There will be a Craft Tent in the Garden, felt making and pinhole camera workshops on the Saturday as well as a performance event on Sunday afternoon with music, magic and comedy from top Island performers, and also arts-based activities to entertain our younger visitors throughout the event.

“Many of the Artists will be working at the studios throughout the event, on hand for demonstrations and available to talk about their work, much of which will be for sale.”

And there’s more
Other Artists exhibiting include the enchanting work of Yarmouth based landscape talent, Mark Dickson; Delicate pencil and oil from Newport’s 2B master of darkness, Adam Harvey; Blackwater based virtuoso knitting star, Jake Packham; The charged poetic and literary Illustration of Harry Wareham; Beautiful handmade clothing by Amy Marie and Striking mixed-media comic-pop stylings of Fraser Duncan.

Check the full listings of all Open Studio events taking place this coming weekend on Events on the Wight.