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Red Ensign has still not refunded customers who paid for courses that were cancelled

Customers of maritime training company, Red Ensign, tell News OnTheWight they have still not received refunds for courses they paid for that have been cancelled.

The company wrote to customers again today (Monday) to advise that they are “not in administration”, but that there should be a “definitive answer” in the next couple of days as to whether the company is going ahead or not.

Red Ensign: “Formalities are now underway”
News OnTheWight put a series of questions to Red Ensign about refunds to customers who had paid for courses that we subsequently cancelled.

A spokesperson told News OnTheWight,

“An official statement will be issued very soon.

“We really do understand your need to help and address the issue, most of us here are trying the same too.

“Indeed talks have been taking place and all the formalities are now underway.”

Mew: “Where is my money?”
Rachael Mew, who paid £260 for a firefighters refresher course, which was cancelled the following day, told News OnTheWight,

“If they’re not in administration yet then where is my money?

“I will be out of work soon as I will not be able to complete my updated training to continue working on boats. I don’t have the money to front paying for the course with another company, so I’m stuck!”

The company had written to customers at the beginning of September stating that they were instructing insolvency practitioners. A week later they revised that statement to say they were attempting to rescue the company and were not in administration. The Royal Yachting Association informed News OnTheWight that the company had been suspended from being able to deliver any RYA courses.

Image: Emily Morter under CC BY 2.0

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