Cllr Reg Barry’s impression of the council so far

Reg Barry

Up next is Liberal Democrat councillor for Nettlestone and Seaview, Reg Barry. In his own words. Ed

Having watched this new council through its first six months, I have to say that I am cautiously optimistic about its prospects of success.

Gone is the macho “we know we know best” rule carried out behind closed doors by those with more self regard than talent.

Sadly, it is our schoolchildren and youngsters at risk who have been let down most over the last eight years, but the financial waste and the systematic demoralisation of the council’s workforce over that period has left us all somewhat the poorer. We are losing at an alarming rate Directors who could have helped steer the Council through the coming budget process.

I see the next six months as the most crucial.

Thankfully, we now have an independent majority running the council, which to my mind amounts to the ultimate coalition. Who have my sympathy and support on most of the things they are trying to achieve.

Let’s look forward to an open and responsive period of local government for a change, but don’t underestimate the mess they are expected to clear up.

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