Shanklin theatre:

Rise in precept and cuts to services raised at Shanklin Hustings

Many thanks for Paul for this report from Tuesday’s election hustings for the Shanklin South and Central wards. Ed

Around 30 residents attended the Hustings arranged for Tuesday 23rd April 2013, at Shanklin Theatre, covering Shanklin South and Central Wards.

Organiser Lesley Hampshire welcomed fellow residents, outlined the purpose of the meeting, and read out apologies that had been given by candidates that were not attending.

Increase in council tax precept
One resident asked whether the Council Tax precept in Shanklin had increased in recent years, attending candidates Richard Priest and Jon Gilbey explained that, as members of the Shanklin Town Council, they had taken part in many public meetings in the Theatre and this included when the IW Council were closing the library and although the Town Council disagreed with being double taxed for a service, the Town Council supported Cllr Pugh’s suggestion of increasing the precept to pay for the Library to remain open.

CCTV costs
The audience also asked if the Town Council supported Cllr Williams proposal to increase the precept to pay for CCTV in the Town, and members of the Town Council highlighted that they had, even though Newport did not have to and this was unfair.

Tourist Information service
Residents raised the need for a Tourist Information service in the Town, and Richard and Jon reported on conversations that they had had with local businesses about the potential of a local service, the need to use the empty TIC shop in the Town, and the amenities in the Town which would be a part of a Tourist promotion policy.

Cuts in services
There was confusion over who was responsible for shutting several local services and amenities, and residents asked about the Fire Station, Library, Theatre, Public Toilets, Beach Safety, and Tourist Information Centre – the candidates explained that the Isle of Wight Council had proposed the closure of these amenities and it was the Town Council that actively campaigned against their closure and, as answered earlier, held public meetings and increased the precept not to lose some of the services.

Residents asked if the Shanklin Isle of Wight Councillors voted against these proposals.

Other issues
Questions were also asked about proposed Business Rates for local Charities, issues of the ferries and transport to and on the Island, employment, roads, dog fouling and car parking – one resident highlighted that several Towns had free parking or free stays of up to two hours, with Shanklin being treated unfairly.

Residents repeatedly highlighted how unfairly Shanklin seemed to be treated alongside other Island Towns, highlighting that Sandown and Ventnor both had retained their Public Libraries, although proposed to close, and it would have been fairer to share the funding between the three towns; the youth service was also provided in Ventnor and Sandown, and it seemed inequitable that Shanklin residents were being double taxed for these services, as well as required to provide volunteers.

Priorities for candidates
Residents asked what priorities Richard and Jon had, and they said they recognised that funding was going to be an ongoing issue, but that priority needed to address the issues of local schools urgently as this impacted on a generation of young people, their families, their communities and the future of the Island.

Image: David Short under CC BY 2.0