St Helens Fort Walk 2015 - Aerial shot - Safesiteiow

The Fort Walk like you’ve never seen it: From the air

Isle of Wight residents know that the St Helens Fort Walk is on, but in the past very few spoke about it openly – well at least that how it used to be.

Looking at the number of people that took part during yesterday’s event, that clearly isn’t the case any more. There’s loads of them!

OnTheWight has been showing photo collections of those taking part for years (here’s the Bembridge Fort Walk 2014 photos), but this is the first time that we’ve been able to show it to you from the air.

Regular readers will know we’ve been bringing you the stunning views of drone videos for two and a half years now – and the novelty of it still hasn’t worn off.

Last night’s Fort Walk video
The aerial video that Richard Manser of SafeSite IoW took last night is the first that we’ve seen of the Fort Walk. It’s a stunner.

Image: SafeSite IoW