
Summer fundraiser for suicide prevention group

This summer nine Islanders are going to be taking part in a fundraising challenge for SELF suicide awareness, prevention and support organisation on the Isle of Wight.

Nick Woolston, Suzanne Mason, Alec Payne, Ady Stothard, Eden Swinnerton, Tristan Cade, Luke Whyton, Will and Clare Downer plan to jumping from a plane to raise awareness and funds at Sandown airport on 19th August 2015.

What is SELF?
SELF supports all who have been affected by suicide on the Island. It signposts and supports, from crisis to bereavement, and really does help save lives.

SELF is not funded, so please help the group carry on their work in the community, raising awareness, reducing stigma, advocating, liaising, supporting, saving lives.

Find out more about SELF by visiting the Website.

You can sponsor the skydivers here.

Image: ryanh under CC BY 2.0