OnTheWight celebrates 13th anniversary

Today (Friday 28th September) marks the thirteenth anniversary of the birth of OnTheWight.

Our first post on 28th September 2005 documented the detonation of a un-exploded bomb in Ventnor Haven, which was then picked up by the BBC and so the merry ride began (read more about our history).

Fully-independent, regulated news provider
Thirteen years later and OnTheWight is a fully-independent, regulated news provider.

As well as news, travel, sport and community info, we also share with you a popular, free-to-use event listings site and an Isle of Wight Jobs site, which sees thousands of job-seekers visiting it every month.

360 degree virtual tours
However, the offerings don’t end there. Here at OnTheWight we’re always seeking to innovate and one of our latest services to offer is 360 degree virtual tours.

When searching for businesses, consumers use mapping products nearly half the time, so having 360 degree photos makes perfect sense. Virtual tours show new customers inside your business – even when you’re closed – on their phone, tablet or computer, even VR headsets.

Visit our Isle of Wight 360 Virtual Tour site for more details and experience some of our tours.

Make Vectis Gurt Again!
We also have a new online shop. Our first product (of many planned over the coming months) is a play on the ‘Make America Great Again’ merchandise.

Wear your Isle of Wight pride on your chest … while confusing the heck out of everyone! – with a ‘Make Vectis Gurt Again‘ T-Shirt.

You can pre-order your ‘Make Vectis Gurt Again‘ T-shirts now.

Support quality journalism
The way that quality journalism is funded around the world is changing.

No one wants ads plastered all over the Website they’re reading – and we want to do all we can to avoid exposing readers to that.

Join others who value trustworthy, independent journalism
If you think trustworthy, independently-owned Isle of Wight media is important and value what we do, including our live reporting – Join the growing number of readers supporting us.

You can make a one-off payment or set up regular contributions to OnTheWight through Paypal, you don’t need a Payapal account, just a credit card or bank details to hand.

Thanks for your support. Here’s to many more years ahead.

Image: lattefarsan under CC BY 2.0