Vestas Sit-in: Newsflash: Newport March Entered Vestas Site (podcast) UPDATE 5 (photos + Video)

In an unexpected twist of events, today’s march in support of those who are set to lose their jobs at Vestas, diverted from the route it has previously taken, to inside Vestas grounds.

Entering via the back gates of Vestas, around 200 people on the march stood outside the reception area of Vestas asking for the plant manager to come out and talk to the crowd.

Chants of “Who’s factory? Our factory” and demands that the government compulsory purchase the plant and passed into the hands of the public were made.

Sally reported from the inside …. [audio:]

Protesters leave
We heard a short time ago that the protesters inside the Vestas land have made the decision to leave and return to the other side of the fence.

When asked why, they said that, having made their point, they were happy to leave peacefully.

Photos and video to follow

This video footage shot by Jaymie Rigby (one of the Vestas Sit-in workers) shows how easily those on the march were able to gain entry the site from the rear entrance.

They simply walked underneath the barrier and continue to the front of the building. (Footage shot by VB at the front of the building to follow)

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