Waterfront Inn, Shanklin: Restaurant Review

Setting: Waterfront Inn, Shanklin Esplanade

Waterfront Inn, ShanklinOccasion: Hunger/desperation

Diners: Adel (refused to cook); ‘im indoors (refused to washup); son (good excuse to drive car and scare parents witless).

Meal wanted: Reasonable pub grub NOW!

Meal got: Cook-it-yerself, “taste the experience” Black Rock Grill

Menu: See photo!

Quality: Depends on cooking skills

Service: Variable. Ordering at the bar was a feat of elbow shoving and grovelling. This was the THIRD pub/restaurant/eatery we’d approached (the others being closed, on the verge of closing, out of food) and I was tempted to say “A crocodile sandwich, and make it snappy!”

Potential customers watched with bug-eyed astonishment, as the lady taking food orders tried and failed to cope with the new-fangled, easy-to-use, high-tech, idiot-proof till with pictures, words and prices clearly displayed on touch-pad keys.

Black rock grill seemed most likely to be served asap, so that’s what we had. Once ordered, service was swift.

Wine List: Didn’t bother to ask. The first glass of wine went down so fast it didn’t touch the sides!

Posh Nosh? Trendy rather than posh

Presentation: Raw

Ambience: Not bad (apart from the Elvis lookalikes!)

Other: Surprised the Waterfront Inn was relatively unoccupied compared to the packed Steamer Inn next door where a 30 minute delay awaited diners.

Price: £53.35 – inc two courses and drinks.

Nickables: Menu – see photo

Recommendations: Location could be improved if Steamer Inn relocated.

Adel Jinnos