Andrew Turner MP

Andrew Turner responds to national coverage of his expense claims

Following OnTheWight’s earlier report about Isle of Wight Conservative MP, Andrew Turner’s expense claims hitting the national press again, he’s been in touch with a response.

Andrew told OnTheWight,

“I have not been contacted by any Islander (including David Pugh, Alan Stovell and Gary Taylor) or the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards about this complaint. I therefore do not know the detail of what is alleged, other than what appears in the Daily Telegraph.

“All these issues were debated extensively in the local media and elsewhere in 2009, so I do not understand why this complaint was not made then, nor why I was not contacted in advance of a complaint being made and details given to the national press. I am disappointed that former party colleagues should act in such a way.

“Conservative MPs’ expenses, including my own, were independently audited twice in 2009 to ensure that the rules in force at the time were complied with.

“In June of that year, for complete transparency, through the local media I invited any Islander with any concerns at all to view my complete and un-redacted expenses records, and a number of people did so.”