After two years of being in power at Isle of Wight council, Dave Stewart has listed three specific things in his 'What we've achieved on the Island so far' column. The public's reaction is an eye-opener.
Photos show Armac van (who specialise in demolition and land reclamation!) ploughed through Ryde community garden, parking on top. Turns out, it had been stolen.
The Independent Review covers National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) and considers how housing and transport in protected landscapes could be improved and boost habitats for wildlife.
With the closure of Mental Health Day Centres around the corner, one service user says all he's been offered is to 'pop along to Aspire' - who had to shut their wellbeing services down after funding cut
Figures reveal that the number of Isle of Wight amputations due to diabetes has risen by 16 per cent. Diabetes UK says “urgent action” is needed to stop what it described as an “epidemic” of diabetes.
The Minister for devolution asked the Hampshire and IW partnership to agree that devolved powers should be given to a new elected ‘metro mayor’ for the area. They voted against the idea.
A boulder - that the Fire Service believe was carried in the wind - smashed into a roof last night and a man was taken to hospital. Could this have been the result of a small tornado?
Unfortunate timing for the Isle of Wight council, as a BBC News film crew turns up on a day the new £3m+ floating bridge struggles to dock. Watch the report, which also features an interview with IWC leader, Dave Stewart.
A former Conservative, who was then expelled by UKIP and once expressed "her support for elements of" the British National Party's platform now joins together with the Front National to form a far-right group in the European Parliament.
Vix Lowthion says the Isle of Wight council's plans for pop up lanes and rows of plastic barriers is not adequate and that IW Council have "demonstrated a distinct lack of imagination when it comes to redesigning our towns to support active travel"