It's Executive head teacher, Peter Shaw's, my last GCSE results day in the UK. He tells OnTheWight he's very proud to leave the learning community on such a positive note.
The overall outcomes for Year 11 in 2017 show a slow and steady improvement on previous years, with nearly all key measures better than or equal to last year.
Year 11 students at Sandown Bay Academy have seen the rewards of their hard work with an improvement on the measure of 5 A*-C including English and Maths.
Isle of Wight pupils from disadvantaged background are really being let down. They leave secondary school on average nearly 2.5 years behind attainment of Mainland non-disadvantaged peers - that's a 13.5 yo vs a 16 yo.
Progress 8 and Attainment 8 are just two of the new ways of measuring performance of schools across the country. OnTheWight shares a handy slideshow which makes sense of the new measurements.
Following last week's GCSE results day, academies and colleges around the Isle of Wight will be sharing a more detail breakdown of attainment. This article will be updated throughout the day.
New measures for reporting GCSE achievements have been introduced this year. It measures the number of students attaining at least a C grade in English and mathematics combined.
Initial reports suggest that schools on the Isle of Wight appear to compare favourably with national averages and in some cases, have improved significantly – against the national trend of a decline in results.