The Director of Public Health said it was likely there would be a second wave, whilst Cllr Chris Quirk, said he feels it is 'something largely invented by journalists'
After we ran our “Why are questions about Isle of Wight Covid testing and Contact Tracing App not being answered?” piece last month, the Government heavyweights got involved, assuring News OnTheWight the numbers would be released. They haven’t. Here’s the detail of the story so far
Islanders were told we were doing something for the country by trialling the App, so why are we now not getting answers to questions of public interest?
Although there have been 55,000 downloads of the App, some Islanders have found it won't work on theirs. NHS England’s chief data officer explains why and what they are planning to do about it
The Isle of Wight council's Director of Public Health has reassured families and friends of those who may be accommodated temporarily that their loved ones will be afforded every possible respect