If everyone on the Isle of Wight recycled two toilet roll tubes over the Christmas week, it would save enough energy to power the St Mary’s Hospital for one day! This, and more fun facts from the council, including when rubbish collection over Christmas will be.
The Mobile HRC provides a further facility that reaches out into the community to help people recycle more. Check the dates of when it's nearby to you.
Following some confusion over the matter, the Isle of Wight council clarify what happens to recyclables collected from properties on narrow streets, which have different trucks to wider roads.
The Isle of Wight council and Amey have extended the period of grace for residents settling into the new waste collection system until 27th May, as some bins are still being delivered and communal bins stores reassessed.
The company that collects the Island's household waste looks like it's going to be taken over by HSBC as they've been unable to pay off a £1Bn+ debt. On The Wight is looking into what the impact on the Island might be.
New state-of-the-art recycling collection vehicles have arrived on the Isle of Wight and are now collecting recycling from over 70,000 households across the Island.
The gasification plant was to be refurbed as part of a 25 year, £225m waste contract with Amey. After the sub-contractor went out of business an alternative had to be found. OnTheWight has the details.
Amey say that although the Island does not see the level of incidents some of their other facilities have experienced, their staff do suffer verbal abuse and threats, often from traders who are stopped from illegally disposing of commercial waste in household skips.
Councillor says it's Isle of Wight council's goal to be the best council in the country for waste management and being known as the most environmentally friendly county in the UK.