Swimmers travelled from the mainland to take part in the 18th Isle of Wight Masters International Swim Meet over the weekend. Well done to all who took part, especially the winners.
A free defibrillator and CPR awareness session organised by the Spithead Lodge of Freemasons takes place later this month. Why not take advantage of the free session and learn how you could save a life.
In less than a month, 75+ swimmers will take part in the Pier to Pier swimming challenge. Organisers are still shot of around ten kayakers/canoeists. Can you help?
Don Emery has served the Newchurch Male Voice Choir for 28 years and was last weekend presented with the President’s Silver Medallion in recognition of his service.
Congratulations to Godshill Model Village owner, Stuart Dyer, who has been awarded the Isle of Wight Masters Swim Club’s Most Improved Swimmer of 2015 trophy.
This nationally recognised race has already attracted over 100 entries, so volunteer kayakers or canoeists are needed to ensure everyone can take part. It's a great event to be involved with.