Isle of Wight Green party leader, Vix Lowthion, shares her view on the issues surrounding the EU Referendum and urges those who want to gain sovereignty and improve our democracy to join the campaigns for Proportional Representation at Westminster.
Isle of Wight Green Party leader, Vix Lowthion, says the over-emphasis on external testing of six and seven year olds is zapping the creativity out of our teaching and learning.
Vix Lowthion, the leader of the Isle of Wight Green Party expresses her disgust after 294 MPs, including Isle of Wight MP Andrew Turner, voted to turn away 3,000 vulnerable refugee children who have travelled to Europe.
As well as eight councillors either voting against or abstaining in Cllr Medland's fracking motion, nine other councillors had already left the chamber and one was absent from the entire meeting.
Vix Lowthion has been selected to take part in a masterclass to learn more about how progressive economics can support working towards the common good.
If you're concerned about the prospect of Fracking under areas of AONB and SSSI on the Isle of Wight write/tweet/call your MP before he votes in Parliament today (Wednesday).
The IW Green Party leader says the UK should be leading the way in putting forward even firmer targets and proposals in the future to tackle climate change.
Leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennett, will return to the Isle of Wight next week to lead a discussion on the role of the EU for Islanders, the future of businesses in East Cowes and cross-Solent transport.
Natalie Bennett will be appearing at a meeting in Newport on 9th September. Islanders are being encouraged to pop along if they want to hear more about Green Party policies.