Kings Road

Bembridge main route improvement works to start with village remaining open

Work to improve one of the main routes into Bembridge is to begin next week – but residents are reminded that the village remains open for business throughout the project.

Island Roads is also keen to stress that all work to improve sections of Kings Road will cease over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend when access in and out of the village will be completely unrestricted.

Lasting 15 working days
The work on Kings Road is scheduled to begin on Wednesday 20th March 2024 and last 15 working days. The project involves excavations to address the underlying ground conditions that have caused the surface of Kings Road to deteriorate in some areas.

In some cases, these excavations may be deep which mean that though the site will be closed as a through road for the duration of the work, the need for future maintenance should be reduced.

Intensive programme of highway improvement work
The project is part of an intensive programme of highway improvement work being undertaken by Island Roads in the period between the start of the year and the main summer season when work on major routes is scaled back to reduce impact on the visitor economy.

However working in the winter months means the programme is subject to disruption because of bad weather – hence the start date for the Bembridge work being put back from its planned start day of Monday (18th March).

Work of this nature cannot be undertaken without causing some disruption
An Island Roads spokesperson said,

“Though we do take time to plan our work programme to minimise inconvenience, it is sadly inevitable that work of this nature on busy routes cannot be undertaken without causing some disruption.

“In order to reduce this, we will be working in four distinct phases at Kings Road and while the road will be closed as a through route, access to properties will be maintained at all times as long as it is safe to do so. Access for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will remain along Kings Road at all times.

“We will also be putting out advance warning signs that make it clear that village businesses are open and accessible – albeit via a signed diversion. We intend to cease all work and remove all restrictions over the Bank Holiday weekend from the afternoon of Thursday 28th March to the morning of Tuesday 2nd April 2024.”

During work, Embankment Road will be open as far as Station Road and the town is accessible in the other direction from Forelands Road.

News shared by Gavin behalf of Island Roads. Ed