Pause Button

Cassandra Gardiner: Pause

Cassandra Gardiner returns with this week’s offering. Guest opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication. Ed

As daily life goes on, it seems neither here nor there. We are in Spring but not in Summer. Easter has been, a Bank Holiday coming, but routine plods on.

Regular and habitual, nothing yet with pizazz or a change of pace. Perhaps expecting excitement, the unusual, shaking-off the excessively wet and damp Winter, a fresh freedom, is presumptuous. Chores continue, eat, sleep, work, expectations stirred, but vacant.

Possibilities, adventures, new acquaintances and experiences, something exceptional, fulfilling, making the ordinary worthwhile, like the moment when the fireworks burst, exploding with colour and delight against a still, black background.

Could this be what Spring is about, anticipation, the process of beginning, hoping for fulfilment? Leaving mundaneness in the background, illuminated by the promise of new (or old but forgotten), launching forward thinking it will be worthwhile, balancing the ongoing effort.

The potential of the pause
It may be a personal thing, but talking with a friend, she too gave the same feeling. Why this waiting, do we need a change of wind, a new burst of sunny days, more energy in the air? How long can this limbo last?

Is it to let go of old ways that are no longer useful, to embrace or create something different – is this the potential of the pause?

Day-to-day, week-to-week, sunny weather tells the year is underway, yet the anticipation of time passing, without knowing what are the treats, the special moments that will be the icing on the cake. Maybe it’s going to be a year of surprises and patience is the key, to wait and see which silver-linings arise.

What do you think?
To those with alluring tales, past, present and future, comments welcome, encouraging us that 2014 will be the best year yet…

To read more of Cassandra Gardiner‘s work, visit her blog.

Image: charlotte90t/ under CC BY 2.0