Christopher Scott Apply For Roof Gardens At St Joseph’s

When Wootton-based chartered surveyors and estate agents, Christopher Scott took over management of the development at St Joseph’s in Ventnor, we let out a huge sigh of relief.

Christopher Scott Apply For Roof Gardens at St Joseph'sFinally, we thought, a professional outfit is getting involved to make sure that the development is finished off to a high standard and the promise of luxury dwellings might actually come true.

Actions since then are leading us to challenge our assumptions.

As we’ve pointed out on VentnorBlog previously, from what we saw of the treatment to part of the front boundary wall, they started off doing a smashing job.

Work Delayed
It’s unfortunate, that work is still continuing — well beyond what Christopher Scott had originally predicted — by several months, but then they did have a great deal to get sorted. We had heard from the planning office that the gas pipes installed by Michael Jennings’ workmen were originally being held together with mastic, unapproved electrics had been installed, etc … we could go on and on and on.

Those Dreaded Roof Gardens
Readers who have been following the long-running saga of this unfortunate development will know that, despite an explicit planning condition being attached to original planning permission (granted way back in 2006, incorrectly by delegated powers), that the flat roof spaces should NOT to be used, they have been – and advertised for sale by Webb & Jenkins as such.

A subsequent planning application to retain them went in and was refused by Planning earlier this year.

Most recently, Michael Jennings (the clown developer), decided to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate to have the decision overturned, despite having been clearly told all along that they’re unacceptable.

A site visit is planned by the Inspectorate for next month and a decision should be issued by the 17 September.

While these delaying tactic are going on, there’s a real danger that some unfortunate purchaser might buy the place, landing themselves a whole world of problems.

Christopher Scott Apply For Roof Gardens at St Joseph'sDisgusting Actions
In the meantime, it’s appalling to hear that the architect, Duncan Gayler, has submitted yet another application for a roof terrace, directly overlooking neighbouring gardens and living spaces, this time on behalf of Christopher Scott.

All parties should be well aware of the past refusals, objections and direct infringement of privacy for the neighbouring properties (including us).

Case officer, Russell Chick tells us that the latest application had to be thrown back, as “the application was fee deficient, lacked an adequate Design and Access Statement and contained elevations that appeared not to be to scale,” — ie if you understate the height of the roof, it’s more likely that it will be accepted. Following this rejection, they’re awaiting a revised application.

Well done to Russell for spotting this and throwing the application back to the architect.

Quite how Gayler can get it so wrong, given how long he has been connected to the site, can only be guessed at.

As for Christopher Scott. Well, what can we say? We thought they were a reputable company, but given they’re directing the architect to submit further plans for the same much-refused roof garden — that is know to invade privacy — it’s making us question it.

We’ve also written to Close Brothers, the financiers of the site, to express our disgust at the actions of Christopher Scott.

Property Developer Modus Operandi
It’s become clear to us that many property developers take the approach of just wearing down the local opposition. Once they’ve done their best to wear out local resistance, they then overdevelop as they wish and if caught (pretty unlikely with an understaffed enforcement department), simply put in for retrospective planning permission, which they’re more than likely to get.

The whole time this is going on, real people’s lives are seriously affected.

All to grab more money.

Makes you sick … and wonder how these people live can with themselves, doesn’t it?

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