Dimbola: Silent Auction A Great Success

There might have been a Silent Auction at Dimbola Galleries and Photographic Museum on Friday night, but it certainly wasn’t quiet.

The former home of Julia Margaret Cameron was bustling with activity from 7pm when Isle of Wight High Sheriff Susie Sheldon opened the event.

Susie stepped in at late notice after Koo Stark, who was supposed to be opening the event, was unexpectedly unable to come to the Island.

Masses of items were donated by supporters of Dimbola, from beauty treatments to handmade jewellery, from photographic prints to table linen, electrical equipment and even a trip out on the lifeboat.

Two and a half hours of bidding
The raffle was well supported with the draw taking place before the bidding in the silent auction came to a close at 9.30pm. There were some very competitive punters in the house, with handmade jewellery by Kimmi Piggott a clear favourite.

A whopping £2,200 was raised throught the auction and raffle.

The event provided a great way for Islanders to show their support for this little gem of a venue and was a great social event too.

Congratulations to everyone who organised the event and those who helped make it the success it was.

Thanks to
Jake Priddle
for shots from the evening.

Click on images for larger versions

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