East Cowes Post-Festival Traffic Plan for Monday

This handy notice in from Red Funnel in relation to traffic plans for Monday. Ed

Red Funnel has been working hard to ensure that the Isle of Wight Festival weekend runs smoothly with minimum disruption to residents and businesses of East Cowes.

Over the last 12 months, Red Funnel has taken the lead to develop a traffic management plan with colleagues from the IW Council, East Cowes Town Council, the Police and the Festival promoters to help mitigate any problems and ensure as little inconvenience as possible.

Booked vehicle traffic off main roads
Efforts have been made to ensure that as much booked vehicle traffic is taken off the main roads of East Cowes as quickly as possible on Monday 13 June.

To aid this objective, Red Funnel will use a different route for marshalling traffic, which can be seen on the map below. Customers have (through a variety of communication pieces) been repeatedly requested not to arrive at the Vehicle Ferry terminal more than one hour before their booked sailing time.

Diversion details
All traffic (except freight vehicles) will be directed down the full length of Beatrice Avenue at the junction by Queensgate / Whippingham Primary School. Once the traffic gets to the junction with Saunders Way it will be separated into three distinct groups.

  1. Traffic for the sailings currently being checked-in
  2. Traffic for the next required sailing (up to 150 cars) will be parked in Beatrice Avenue, as agreed with the IW Council
  3. Traffic arriving too early will be sent up Saunders Way where Red Funnel staff will intercept them and advise when they should return. IW Highways and the Police will support Red Funnel staff at this point

Red Funnel will be communicating with customers throughout the weekend by email, SMS, digital signage and other media to ensure they receive an up-to-date and consistent message as Monday unfolds.