Pushing the boat out will take on many different meanings for Cowes RNLI on May Day Bank Holiday – Monday 4 May – as the lifeboat station invites the public to be part of a fund-raising Yellow Welly Fun Day.
Three emergency services, including Cowes RNLI, went to the aid of two middle aged men who vainly tried to climb a cliff as part of their ambitious plan to walk round the Isle of Wight.
Cowes RNLI and Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat Station have both benefited from a coffee morning organised by a student at St Catherine's School in Ventnor.
Every hour that passes, something even more strange comes out about this car-carrying cargo ship. Here's the latest from the boss of the company. Oh and it's also leaning over even further says the MCA. We've got some new detailed photos, shot on a long lens.
The damage and stability of a cargo ship that ran aground in the Solent last night is being assessed this morning following a dramatic rescue operation.
The MayDay came in just before 5pm yesterday afternoon and the sailor was rescued at 4am this morning some 40 miles from the area of the initial search.
Alex will be spending the next two years walking around the coast of Britain in order to raise awareness and funds for the RNLI. He's on the Island at the moment, so give him a wave if you seen him.