
Find your inner bliss with Transcendental Meditation on the Isle of Wight tonight

Those interested in learning more about Transcendental Meditation (TM) are invited to head to Sandown Library tonight (Tuesday) to learn more about the how TM differs from other meditation.

Will Treend will be presenting an intro lecture on the science and art of deep meditation and how TM differs from other self help therapies.

Why people turn to TM
He’ll cover the most common reasons people turn to TM, release of stress, better relationships, finding your vocation, more creativity, health benefits, world peace, naturally reduced use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs etc., discovering your inner bliss and creative intelligence.

Will says,

“Isle of Wight needs unified field coherence, ‘The Maharishi Effect’ (at least 1% of the Island Transcending twice a day). Governments around the world have used this phenomenon to reduce crime and negativity, upgrade communities and enrich society.”

Where and when
The event takes place from 7pm at Sandown Library, High Street, Sandown PO36 8AF on Tuesday 3rd November.

For more information about TM, see the Website wiertz under CC BY 2.0