UK parliament from other side of the river

Government to reassess Isle of Wight council funding: A step towards justice?

News shared by the Office of Bob Seely, in their own words. Ed

A campaign led by Isle of Wight Conservative MP, Bob Seely, to secure a better funding settlement for the Isle of Wight council has taken a step forward as government officials review evidence submitted by council officers.

It is hoped the evidence provided will validate the case that the delivery of services costs more on the Isle of Wight than on the mainland, particularly in Adult Social Care and Children’s Social Care, and will result in a funding uplift for the council.  

Speaking about the campaign, Mr Seely said,

“The Isle of Wight remains the only sizeable island in the UK without a fixed link and separated from the mainland by sea, which does not receive a funding uplift to support Local Government services. This injustice has been ongoing now for 50 years.

“I’m keen that we keep the pressure on the government to right this wrong and that we provide officials with sound evidence to prove it costs more to provide local services on the Island than on the mainland.”

Mr Seely said he had persuaded Ministers to look again at the Island’s case opening the door for the Isle of Wight Council to submit formal evidence.

“This is all part of getting a better deal for the Island. We have already secured £140 million of additional investment to improve our hospital and health services, our rail and transport networks, our schools and colleges and other infrastructure to support jobs.”

Image: Shane Rounce under CC BY 2.0