
How much will the council spend on Compromise Agreements?

If you follow our Twitter stream, you’ll know that a public question was raised at the Isle of Wight council Cabinet meeting last night in relation to compromise agreements.

Steven Goodman from Newport said he’d like to know, “What the cost is to tax payers during this administration for compromise agreements. Will take be made public?”

What’s a Compromise Agreement?
Sometimes referred to as ‘pay-offs’ or ‘gagging orders’, Compromise Agreements are when in return for an agreed sum of money, a staff member will agree to take no further action against an employer who may have breached their statutory obligation.

It’s possible Mr Goodman’s question was raised in relation to the proposed re-structure of staff that Cllr Pugh announced last week he’d be presenting to the council in March.

Written reply
In response to Mr Goodman’s question, Cllr Pugh replied, “As that is a detailed question will respond with a written answer.”

We’ll let you know once the information is released.

Image: Philip Taylor PT under CC BY 2.0