Thomas Munro is hoping to raise £50,000 for a feasibility study into the potential expansion of Bembridge airport for commercial airline use, as an alternative to ferry travel
Voting against the extended leave, Cllr Brodie said, “We're not doing a job, we're elected to represent people. When you have a significant illness, are you really up to it?"
Captiva Homes reveals major Bembridge development, Middleton, they say addressing housing demand while sparking infrastructure and affordability concerns
What a fantastic opportunity to celebrate Isle of Wight heritage. This year is the 50th anniversary of the first flight of the Britten-Norman Islander and celebrations take place this weekend at Bembridge airport.
Isle of Wight CPRE say plans for 57 homes in the village fails to take account of traffic, flooding, sewage and other infrastructure constraints, or provide evidence local need
The Bembridge Lifeboat Operations Manager and the station’s long-serving volunteer Lifeboat Press Officer and Deputy Launching Authority, have swapped roles.