A Brading resident is told via solicitor's letter - sent on behalf of the Town Council - that his actions are "disruptive", "vexatious" and could be “defined as harassment" and "a criminal offence".
When a resident filming the latest town council meeting refused to move from the front row of the public seating because he is hard of hearing and sometimes needs to lip read, the Mayor threatened to call the police. Watch the video of events unfolding.
The coordinator for this initiative says, "Brading is an ideal venue for a Men’s Shed as it has a strong sense of community and good transportation links to local towns".
Tidal conditions meant cadets from Brading Haven Yacht Club couldn't take part in last weekend’s worldwide ‘Bart’s Bash’ sailing event so they took to the Red Funnel ferry to help to spread the message about the Andrew Simpson Foundation and raise funds at the same time.
Stacey Kettner will be holding a Life of Brian ‘Beardfest’ event on 14th July at Brading Roman Villa to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Get your tickets (and beards) now.