Artwork called “Tranquility, in a Dreambeat” by Guido Oakley

Isle of Wight artist’s unique sculpture raises £20,000 for charity

Isle of Wight artist, Guido Oakley, has designed and created a unique piece for Amber Rocks, a charity fundraiser on behalf of The Amber Foundation.

The piece, called “Tranquility, in a Dreambeat”, has been two years in the design process. The sculpture included diamonds, amethyst, crystals, emeralds amongst other precious elements – a beautiful centre piece that reflects the light in a breathtakingly way.

Sold for £20,000
The piece was donated by Guido and sold for £20,000 at the charity auction. Charlie Ross the Auctioneer said it was “Guido’s best work yet”.

The winning bidder will display it in one of their London hotels so others will get to appreciate the beauty of it.

Unique drum table pieces by Guido Oakley
Unique drum table pieces by Guido Oakley

In addition Guido created unique drum table pieces which were sold at the end of the evening raising even more for The Amber Foundation.

Helping homeless young people get back on their feet
Stephen Ballantyne, Head of Fundraising and Communications for The Amber Foundation said,

“Guido has been hugely supportive of Amber’s work over the years, giving his time, skills and most importantly his passion. We are hugely grateful for everything that he does for us.

“The funds raised through the donation of his most recent sculpture will go straight to helping homeless young people get back on their feet and move on positively with their lives.”

The Amber Foundation
The Amber Foundation has delivered something very special, helping young people transform their lives for 26 years.

It has helped over 4,000 young people turn things around. Giving them time, space and support they need to overcome personal barriers; to learn new skills and behaviours and really move forward with their lives.

At the event we heard from some of the people who have been helped by the charity and how their lives were turned around for the better. The event was held at the Bloomsbury Ballroom in London.

News shared by Zoe on behalf of Guido Oakley. Ed

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