Isle of Wight Big Cat Photographed? (UPDATED)

The rumours of a Big Cat being spotted around the Island have persisted for decades.

Isle of Wight Big Cat Photographed?If it has been real – and there’s plenty of people who have said they’ve seen it – it might have met its end last night.

Bill Milford got in touch with VentnorBlog with a grainy photo that claims to be of the Big Cat after it had been struck by a van and killed on the Niton Undercliff.

We’ve been told that, “the cat was roughly the size of medium to large dog.”

Looking at the photo, it’s got an unusually long tail and huge paws. Trying to make out what the head is like is very difficult.

Any more info?
No idea if this is for real. Anyone heard of any more details?

UPDATE 25.Oct.2010: It will be of little surprise to hear that the photographer has come clean and admitted that the photo was a hoax.

Below are the images we received. The first as it came to us, the second a version we’ve enhanced.

IW Big Cat Dead? As it came to us

IW Big Cat Dead? Enhanced

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