Tip 'o the Hat:

Isle of Wight Festival traffic plan appeared a success

Following last year’s chaos on the roads at the start of the Isle of Wight Festival, and the subsequent shenanigans in getting access to the Event and Safety Operations Plan, from the feedback we’ve heard, we reckon the Isle of Wight council deserves a tip of the hat for ensuring festival traffic on Island roads caused as little disruption as possible.

No major traffic problems
Reports that there were less vehicles attending the festival this year and the fact that new hard-standing entrances had been constructed at the entrance of the festival car parks both helped the situation, but it was also refreshing to not hear of any major traffic problems this year.

We’re sure there were probably some instances of traffic jams and disruption due to the diversions, but overall, the result of the changes and contingency planning seem to have paid off.

Well done to all involved.

Image: Alaskan Dude under CC BY 2.0