Isle of Wight Unite Music Single Raising Money For The Hospice (video)

Wow, what an amazing start to the day! Grab a load of the video of this merry bunch of Isle of Wight singers/musicians.

They’ve all given their time freely to create a music single aimed at raising much-needed cash for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.

It will be officially released on Sunday, sales, either by physical CD or download will count towards getting it into the UK Top 20 Charts in the next week.

Let’s try and help it get to that position, remembering that every penny raised goes to the Hospice.

Pick one up in one of the many outlets around the Isle of Wight or download from the dedicated Website, Isle of Wight Unite (details of all Island outlets included).

Alternatively, you can pre-order your copy by calling (01983) 86 10 31

Amazing work by everyone involved. Best of luck guys!