becky wall and her daughter

Massive progress for hit and run victim, now back on the Isle of Wight

Tuesday was day 33 for Becky Wall, the Isle of Wight mother who ended up in a coma fighting for her life in Southampton General Hospital after a hit and run incident on Briddlesford Road in June.

Her brother-in-law, Alexander Blundell, has been keeping friends and well-wisher up to date on Becky’s progress via Faceboook and yesterday was able to announce some great news.

Becky is now back on the Isle of Wight!

Smiles and giggles, tears and frowns
Alexander said,

“The last few days have seen some massive progress. We’ve had her sat in a special medical chair, we get full tracking with her face and eyes around the room when we walk and talk.

“We get smiles, and giggles when she finds something funny, and frowns and the odd tear when something annoys her. She is trying her hardest to talk, but just can’t quite get it out yet. The nurses have heard the odd word, so fingers crossed that’s coming soon!”

Alexander goes on to say,

“This is an extremely important time for Becky’s rehabilitation and open visiting is still not available based on how delicate she still is.”

Our best wishes go out to Becky. Being back on the Island will hopefully make things much easier for her family and we hope it will aid a speedy recovery.

Nearly £13,000 raised
The fundraiser has officially come to an end, raising almost £13,000 which was set up to help with travel costs and loss of income, etc.

If you would like to stay in touch with regular updates, info will be posted to the Fundraiser Page.