Pappa Clip: Tony Blair And The Leadership

A day earlier than usual, an extract from Parliamentary Perambulations submitted by Pappa Clip. Ed

Pappa Clip: Tony Blair And The LeadershipTony Blair was his usual frank and open self today. Discussing the Labour Party leadership contest he said “Diane will fall before the post. Everyone’s scared stiff of having to deal with another Maggie Thatcher. Almost as much as the Tories. As for the boys, they’ve all got the basics a successful politician needs nowadays – boyish smiles, level gaze, neat suits, firm jaw, etc.”

(I murmured the word ‘policies’ at this point but apart from a startled glance the great man appeared not to hear).

“I’m a bit worried about Ed Balls’ haircut, though” he continued.

“In the end it’s all going to turn on whichever one produces a cute baby to croon over on the telly. That little trick worked wonders for me and it’s not doing Cameron much harm either.

“So it’s a case of chocolates and flowers for the ladies I’m afraid.”

Suedehead under CC BY-SA 2.0