Relief artwork of Newport streets by Lyndy Moles

Parish Council change name to Community Council to better reflect their role

Newport and Carisbrooke Parish Council have voted to change their name to Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council in order to better reflect their role.

Councils at this tier of local government are free to call themselves, Parish, Town, Village, Neighborhood or Community Council. Members felt the latter was the best fit for their council and unanimously voted for the change.

Control and manage significant assets and contribute funding to local services
Chair Cllr Julie Jones-Evans said:

“Quite often people don’t connect with the name Parish Council and don’t see us as relevant to them.  Finding out we could call ourselves Community Council really sparked my interest and I feel that our residents will have a better understanding that we are here for them.

“It describes perfectly what we are about now, which is more than just flower beds and Christmas lights. We control and manage significant assets and contribute a lot of funding to local services.

“I’m proud to call ourselves Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council.”

Updated logo
NCCC are also developing a new logo which incorporates Carisbrooke Castle, Newport Harbour as well as the traditional Newport ‘ship’, so both settlements are represented and the historical Newport crest in an up to date image.

News shared by Lucy on behalf of Newport and Community Council. Ed

Image: © Lyndy Moles