Blackboard with Approved written on it, with calculator and plant next to it

Plans for at least 117 new homes in Gunville approved

Another major development has been approved for Gunville but further road safety measures have been secured.

The outline application was approved last night (Tuesday) by the Isle of Wight Council’s planning committee for more than a hundred houses proposed by developers Gallantgreen.

An estimated 117 properties
No specific number has been set yet but plans include an estimated 117 properties in the fields next to and behind the former Friends of the Animals Charity Shop.

The application first came before the committee last year, but was deferred due to highways concerns and the request for more information.

After further exploration, council officers advised the original scheme — removing the pinch point on Gunville Road and replacing it with a zebra crossing — was the most suitable but also suggested a pedestrian and cycling link from the east of the site (towards Carisbrooke College) through to Taylor Road.

Call for extra zebra crossing
Speaking at the meeting, Cllr Matt Price asked for another zebra crossing to be installed on Gunville Road, closer to Home Bargains as it was a difficult road for school children to cross and relied on motorists stopping.

Cllr Geoff Brodie said he was disappointed the opening of Taylor Road to motorists was essentially rubbished by officers, but said he would support the application as it had addressed the pedestrian safety issues.

However, he urged the council’s cabinet to look at the highway link, given the amount of land designated for future development in the area.

Spink: Condemning Gunville to a huge amount of development
Cllr Peter Spink said by approving the application they were condemning the residents of Gunville to a huge amount of development and sitting in large traffic jams in rush hours.

Councillors passed the development, from a motion put forward by Cllr Price, with five votes in favour and four against, with the extra provision of two zebra crossings, retaining a public space in perpetuity and 80 per cent designated as affordable rent.

Price: Frustrated at being interrupted
Speaking after the meeting, Cllr Price said he was frustrated that he was interrupted by the chair, Cllr John Medland, as it did not allow him to put forward his entire view.

Cllr Medland was conscious of time, saying in the meeting an extension would have to be asked for if discussions continued.

The meeting, however, finished with ten minutes to spare.

Housing for Islanders only
Cllr Price said he had discussed with officers a condition that ensured housing would be exclusively for Islanders, which they had no problem with.

However, Cllr Price said as his train of thought was disrupted by Cllr Medland the condition was not added to the permission and it now cannot be after the committee approved the application.

Price: Tried to squeeze as much out of the development for the community
He said it was always hard to vote for large developments and he tried to squeeze as much out of the development for the community as possible.

A further application will have to come forward in the future to determine the layout, scale and appearance of the development.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: SurveyHacks under CC BY 2.0