Please Tell Us How VentnorBlog Has Helped You

We really hope you love reading VentnorBlog.

Please Tell Us Know What You Think Of VentnorBlog?We put a lot into it, and the feedback we’ve had from the majority of you is that you really like it. Some of you have even put finger to keyboard and messaged us to tell us how much you like VB.

Has VentnorBlog helped you?
There are some changes going on here at VB and in preparation of that we’d really appreciate if you’d write us a little paragraph about your thoughts on VentnorBlog. We’ve complied a few ideas below …

  • Has VentnorBlog been helpful for you?
  • Have we provided some information to you before anyone else?
  • Have we helped your local community?
  • Have you found people through VB that you’d lost touch with?
  • Got connected to people via VB that you wouldn’t have otherwise?
  • Did we help provide any info for you during the heavy snow falls?

To make it all the easier, we’ve created a form below

Thanks in advance for your help.

(BTW – We’re planning to ask you in some more detail what you like about VB and ask you for suggestions as to how you think we can improve it. We’ll keep you posted.)

Image: sindesign under CC BY-SA 2.0