Planting 13 trees at Northwood Recreation Ground

Red Funnel’s tree planting scheme on the Isle of Wight continues

As part of their ongoing 160th birthday celebration, Red Funnel are gifting 160 trees to 11 different partners around the Isle of Wight.

This May, Red Funnel continues with this project by planting 13 trees at Northwood Recreation Ground. The area the trees have been planted will be used as community orchard.

Whatley: Extremely proud to partner with the community
Sandra Whatley, Customer Experience Specialist at Red Funnel, said,

“We are extremely proud to partner with the community to contribute to such an important aspect of what makes the Island so unique: its scenic spaces and biodiversity.

“We wanted to thank local businesses and residents, like the team at Cowes Town Council, for the amazing work they undertake on a daily basis, by donating trees to help create green spaces where they can relax and reflect.”

Planting 13 trees at Northwood Recreation Ground

Special Branch
The Northwood Recreation Ground tree planting team, from Cowes Town Council, said,

‘Special Branch’ was the name Cllr Michael Paler had given to Red Funnel’s plan to plant 160 trees to mark their anniversary around the Island. Thanks to Red Funnel’s generosity Northwood Recreation Ground in Cowes can now boast a mini Community Orchard and four additional ornamental trees.

“We’d also like to share a special thanks to the Isle of Wight Council for granting permission and the endless support from Tony Gillingham whose hard work made the project possible.

“Other volunteers giving their time were volunteer tree wardens Karen Graves, Paul Taylor and Councillors Michael Paler, Phil Sanders and Linda Brown.”

The next tree planting event will take place with East Cowes Town Hall in early June. The project brings together Island partners and residents to look back on Red Funnel’s history and to plant the seed for the next 160 years.

News shared by Sophie on behalf of Red Funnel. Ed