michael lane

Share your concerns about staying safe over Christmas with the PCC

This in from the office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane. Ed

Incidents of online fraud, domestic violence, drink driving and home burglaries tend to increase in the run up to and over Christmas. Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, will be quizzing the Chief Constable on the actions the police are taking, and how the public can help to keep themselves safe during the festive period.

The Christmas COMPASS (Commissioner’s Performance, Accountability, Scrutiny and Strategy meeting) on 12 December will be filmed and available to access via the Commissioners digital platforms including the website www.hampshire-pcc.gov.uk. The film will show the question and answer session and offer signposting to support and advice on the topics covered.

The Commissioner is inviting residents to submit their own questions on keeping safe at Christmas for him to put to the Chief Constable on their behalf.

Michael Lane said:

“Christmas is a time when our vulnerability to certain types of crime increases. The very fact that we will be buying more is a gift to those who wish to steal from us, whether this is through an online scam or breaking into homes. The increased consumption of alcohol can reduce inhibitions, fray tempers or cloud judgement and this can lead to choices that result in serious harm being caused.

“Through this scrutiny session I want to establish how the Constabulary is working with partners and the community to help prevent these crimes and to pursue those who prey on our increased vulnerability.

“Equally I want to use this COMPASS as an opportunity to help people to understand the risks, the warning signs and the steps they can take to protect themselves, friends, family and neighbours.”

Share your questions
Anyone wishing to submit a question that relates to the staying safe at Christmas theme, is asked to submit them to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner by midday on Tuesday 5 December, by contacting 01962 871595 and speaking to Richard Martin or emailing [email protected].

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