The Lives of Others: Ventnor Film Society

Winner of the 2006 Oscar for best foreign language film, this meticulous portrait of compassion in the midst of oppression from director von Donnersmarck is a riveting masterpiece.

The Lives of Others: Ventnor Film SocietyIntelligently written and sensitively directed, it’s set in East Germany in 1984 when the Stasi (the country’s secret police) used covert surveillance, imprisonment and torture to quash any hint of non-conformity. Ruthless Stasi agent Mühe is ordered to bug the East Berlin apartment of loyal socialist playwright (Sebastian Koch) and his famous actress lover (Martina Gedeck), but he soon finds their vibrant lives in stark contrast to his own sterile existence.

Details: Germany 2006 137mins Cert 15
Dir: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Cast: Martina Gedeck, Ulrich Mühe, Sebastian Koch, Ulrich Tukur

Venue: Ventnor Winter Gardens
Curtains up: at 7.30pm
Tickets: £4.50 (£3.50 conc) or buy aseason apss for all seven films for £26.25 (£17.50)