Ventnor Middle School Grab 2nd Prize in Glass Fibre Competition

Thanks to George From Ventnor Rotary Club for sending through this report. A huge well done to VMS pupils for their achievement. Ed

Ventnor Middle School Grab 2nd Prize in Glass CompPupils of Ventnor Middle School came close to scooping first prize in a competition designed to test their understanding of the use of glass, in this case glass fibre, in society.

The competition is run under the auspices of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers, one of the oldest livery companies being founded in 1664.

Now in its third year the competition organisers (consisting of Company members on the Isle of Wight, the Rotary Club of Ventnor and Island school teachers) aim to equip pupils not only with a technical understanding of glass fibre as part of the science curriculum but to allow their organisational and presentational skills to develop.

Pupils are asked to design and build a model boat to fulfil an imaginary purpose of their choice. In doing so they get to visit boat builders Vosper-Thornycroft and Cheetah Marine.

Having mastered the technical niceties pupils are then asked to prepare a presentation, both written and oral, to a panel of judges drawn from industry and the Company.

The culmination of the competition was at Cowes Yacht Haven on Tuesday 3rd March when Ventnor Middle School pupils came a very creditable second place. Well done the Ventnor team and all those who took part.

Prizes, courtesy of UKSA, were awarded by the Master of the Worshipful Company whose was dressed in full Court regalia for the occasion.

This competition is one of a series of educational and community projects with which Ventnor Rotary is proud to be associated.

If you would like to know more about what Rotary does call Barrie on 852058.

Image: Steve 2.0