VentnorBlog Shortlisted For Respected National Nominet Award

We’re really delighted to announce, as our 12,000th article, that VentnorBlog has been shortlisted for the prestigious Nominet Internet Awards 2011.

AwardWe’re particularly happy that it’s in the ‘Nurturing powerful local partnerships’ category.

It’s always been our hope that VB might be able to help the already-strong community on the Isle of Wight forge, or reconnect, bonds and enable discussion between Island people who might not have met already.

Being selected for our ‘Hyperlocal community news’ in a category that is judged for ‘Making a difference in your local community with an online project’, gives us a lovely warm glow.

When we started VB over five years ago, we wondered – Was there even space for online discussion in a place where so many people already knew each other?

Online strengthens communities
The continued growth of the use of the Internet and, in particular, the recent explosion of social networks, has added additional weight to the point that, Yes, online communication can act as a supplement to strong social cohesion.

12,000 article on VBWe’re up against some tough competition, so please keep your fingers crossed for us up until the end on July, when the results will be known (even if typing with crossed-fingers is a little difficult!).

Background to the awards
Nominet is the not-for-profit organisation that manages and maintains the domain names for the UK – central to the functioning of the Internet in the UK.

They describe the awards as being, “aimed at UK individuals and organisations who are helping to make the internet a secure, open, accessible and diverse experience for everyone who uses it. These awards celebrate great UK internet projects by recognising achievement and innovation.”

See the list of Nominet Internet Awards 2011 Shortlist.